Marca: EmersonMicro Plus 20/40/64 Ethernet module. The Ethernet module is compatible with SRTP and supports up to 4 connections. Module can also be configured for Modbus TCP (server).
Marca: EmersonRTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to +600 C-150 to +1050 F 2 and 3 wire support. Channel update is 141/563 ms (selectable) for all channels
Marca: EmersonRTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to +600 C-150 to +1050 F 2 and 3 wire support. Channel update is 141/563 ms (selectable) for all channels
Marca: EmersonRTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to +600 C-150 to +1050 F 2 and 3 wire support and 2 analog output voltage and current.
Marca: EmersonRTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to +600 C-150 to +1050 F 2 and 3 wire support and 2 analog output voltage and current.
Marca: EmersonVersaMax Micro 4 channel Thermocouple/mV input and 2 channels of analog output expansion module. Supports Type K,J,E,S,T,B,N,-/+50mV,-/+100mV inputs, 12bit resolution inputs and 0 to 10VDC or 0 to 20mA outputs. Power source required for expansion module